Friday, October 27, 2017

National Work and Family Month - 10 Tips for Moms Seeking Work-Life Balance

Tips for Moms Seeking a Work-Life Balance

1. Let Go of the Guilt
"Rather than dwell on how you're not with your child, think about how your role in the company is benefitting the family."

2. Find Quality Childcare
"Ask your network of friends and family for references to nannies, babysitters, and daycare centers."

3. Make the Mornings Easier
"Avoid starting the day on a frazzled note by getting organized the night before."

4. Create and Organize a Family Calendar
"Figure out your family's priorities. A calendar can include dates when bills are due, a chore chart for the kids, a list of school and family events, extracurricular activities, birthdays, and more."

5. Communicate with Your Employer
"Before talking to your employer or HR representative, construct a written plan detailing what you need."

6. Stay Connected During the Day
"Stay connected with your children even when you're not together."

7. Limit Distractions and Time Wasters
"Be disciplined and set time limits when checking email or making phone calls, things you can do when the kids are sleeping."

8. Create Special Family Activities
"Making time for your kids is crucial, both during the week and on the weekends, to nurture your family dynamic and allow everyone to bond."

9. Spend Time with Your Partner
"Remember to nurture your relationship with your partner, who will often be the number one person by your side."

10. Create Moments for Yourself
"By managing time wisely, you can fit in valuable "me" time regularly."

Call Families First for any questions, information or resources on parenting for the working mom. 877-695-7996

October is Bully Prevention Month

Being bullied by peers is the most frequent and damaging form of abuse encountered by children, having more severe long-term consequences than adult abuse, according to a recent study. One in three children report being bullied at some point in their lives. Of the children that reported being bullied, nearly half stated they were unlikely to tell their parents or a teacher about it. Instead, these children often internalize their emotions due to shame and suffer in silence.

Bullying is any type of aggressive behavior that is used repeatedly to dominate someone. It can result in physical and emotional harm that often lasts into adulthood—especially for those who were bullied more frequently or more severely. Researchers found that bullied children have an increased risk of developing anxiety disorders and depression in adulthood. They are also more likely to have poor relationships, few friends, low self-esteem, poor school performance, financial issues, difficulty keeping a job and poor general health, including a higher risk of psychiatric disorders and serious illness.

According to a study called The Youth Voice Project, students reported that having allying adults and peers that they felt comfortable talking to helped them the most when coping with bullying by providing positive support through connection, encouragement, affiliation, and listening.

Families First is here to support you if you suspect your child may be involved in bullying. We offer classes that teach communication skills to get kids talking. It is important for adults to have conversations with children about bullying so they understand that it is unacceptable. Every child deserves to grow up feeling safe and valued.

Call 877-695-7996 to receive help for you child or more information about bully prevention.

Find out more about bullying at

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The frequency and severity of domestic violence can vary dramatically, but the unfortunate physical, emotional and psychological damage that can be caused by it can last a lifetime and often passes from parent to child, creating a cycle of abuse. An estimated 30 to 60 percent of people who commit violence against their intimate partner are also violent towards their children.

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in 15 children are exposed to intimate partner violence each year, and 90% of these children are eyewitnesses to this violence. Witnessing violent behavior has a huge impact on a child's health and can increase a child's risk for developing anxiety and sleep disorders as an adult. It can also lead to mental and behavioral health issues including, higher levels of anger, disobedience and withdrawal. Witnessing domestic violence is also a major contributor to it becoming passed from one generation to the next. Boys who witness domestic violence are twice as likely to abuse their own children when they become adults, according to the Colorado Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

Unfortunately, it is not always easy to know if someone is abusive in the early stages of a relationship. Abusers tend to become increasingly more abusive and controlling over time. It may start subtly with name-calling, threats, possessiveness, or distrust. It might be easy to dismiss or downplay this behavior at first, especially if the person is apologetic, but eventually it will escalate to extreme control and abuse, including intimidation, threats, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or emotional abuse.

The abuse inflicted by the perpetrator can cause victims of domestic abuse to experience a variety of emotional responses, both while in the relationship and once they leave. Since the victim knows the abuser best, it is important for them to think carefully through their situation and circumstances and do what is the best for themselves.

For support and assistance in finding helpful resources, call the Families First Support Line (877-695-7996).

Find out more about domestic violence at

For anonymous, confidential help, 24/7, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY).